The operation manual, maintenance and repair manuals of Ford Granada cars since 1985 release, equipped with gasoline engines of 1.7, 2.0, 2.3, 2.8 l.
See also: Ford cars workshop manuals
Title | File Size | Download Link |
Ford Granada 1985-1994 Service and Repair Manual PDF.pdf | 14.5Mb | Download |
Ford Granada Service Repair Manual.rar | 96.6Mb | Download |
The repair manuals contains detailed information on how to diagnose and repair vehicle components and assemblies.
Separate sections of the manuals include the Ford Granada instruction manual, maintenance recommendations, bodywork manual, a list of necessary tools, tightening torques for threaded connections, and a vehicle electrical circuit (wiring diagram).
The manuals are intended for owners of cars Ford Granada, mechanics, workers of stations and auto services.

Ford Granada
Ford Granada – compact, at the end of its release mid-size car, manufactured by Ford Motor Company in North America from 1975 to 1982. A modification with improved exterior and interior design was marketed as Mercury Monarch under the Mercury brand. Since 1972, a model with the same name has been produced in Europe, which had nothing to do with the American Granadas.